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Type annotations for boto3 compatible with mypy, VSCode and PyCharm

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Auto-generated documentation for builder.mypy_boto3_builder.parsers.docstring_parser.syntax_grammar module.

Pyparsing grammar for request and response syntax.


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class SyntaxGrammar():

ellipsis = “…” name_value ::= alphanums + “_-.” string_value ::= alphas{0,2} “’” [^’]+ “’” plain_value ::= string_value | name_value literal_item ::= list_value | dict_value | set_value | plain_value literal_value ::= literal_item (“|” literal_item)+ any_value ::= literal_value | list_value | dict_value | set_value | union_value | func_call | plain_value empty_list_value ::= “[” [ellipsis] [”,”] “]” non_empty_list_value ::= “[” any_value (“,” any_value)* [”,”] “]” list_value ::= empty_list_value | non_empty_list_value set_value ::= “{“ any_value (“,” any_value)* [”,”] “}” func_call ::= name_value “(“ any_value (“,” any_value)* [”,”] “)” empty_dict_value ::= “{“ [ellipsis] [”,”] “}” non_empty_dict_value ::= “{“ string_value “:” any_value (“,” string_value “:” any_value)* [”,”] “}” dict_value ::= empty_dict_value | non_empty_dict_value union_item ::= literal_value | list_value | dict_value | set_value | plain_value union_value ::= union_item (“or” union_item)+ argument ::= alphanums “=” any_value definition ::= [^’]+ “(“ argument (“,” argument)* [”,”] “)” request_syntax ::= “Request Syntax” “::” definition response_syntax ::= “Response Syntax” “::” (list_value | dict_value)


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def disable_packrat() -> None:


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def enable_packrat() -> None:


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def reset() -> None: